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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

to Serial or not to Serial

It seems as though, despite my continued (but moderate)sales at Smashwords, people don't seem to like the serial format. I admit that part of that MUST be the lack of regular chapters, but be that as it may... I'm going to try to finish out a book at a time faster than I have and post that.

I'll save the serialization for podiobooks audio or something, and see how that works.


  1. Hey mate, just wondering if A you're still alive, and B if the first book is finished so I can buy it. I'm sorry, I just always prefer to buy a finished product than to continue waiting and then buying a chapter at a time.

    Been ages since i've been on, too much uni, but i'm looking forward to seeing what you wrote (I love sliders, so can't wait to see what you've done with the world jumping formula!)

  2. Just one comment.

    I've liked what I've read, but I want to buy the whole story, not dribs and drabs over years and years.

  3. an opinion: People want to read a finished book. They don't want to start a story that may or may not be finished at some indeterminate point in the future.

  4. Well, when I started it was my intention to update really regularly, like every month. But since reality made that not work out, I have been working on finishing the first story, getting it polished and published as a finished work.

  5. Thanks for getting back.

    Personally, I'm looking forward to it. Of the few chapters I've read, I've enjoyed. You've create a word and a storyline that is unique and interesting.

    I hope your writing goes easily for you.

  6. Hey guys, finished version published at Smashwords:

    Here's a coupon too: MA42C

    Enjoy the read! (and thanks for the patience)

  7. Thank you.

    Some thoughts...


    1/ interesting premise. I really want to learn more about John Smith and who he is and how he came to be

    2/ interesting worlds.

    3/ Your style of writing reminds me strongly of Edgar Rice Burroughs and his John Carter of Mars, or his Tarzan novels.

    4/ It really has the feel of the old time pulp serials and it really makes me want to read into the next chapter to see what happens next. No reading it slowly, I'm afraid.

    4/ great description. I can really see what John experiences when you describe his experiences with "slow time"


    1/ Augh! Too short! Part 1 ends in the same way as all the other chapters do, at yet another cliffhanger with no resolution in sight, not even a temporary resolution. It'd be "better" if part 1

    2/ Poor John - at the moment, he's still a victim of circumstances, bouncing from crises to crises without even the chance to catch his breath. Will he ever get a break? A chance to savour some small victory before he gets thrown headlong into the next emergency?

    3/ Part 2 is not written yet. You tease us mercilessly.

    Looking forward to the next installment.
